Did you know... if your refrigeration air temperature is 39 degrees F. or lower, you can safely store leftovers for up to seven days? The 39 degree air temperature creates a 41 degree food temperature.
Here's an idea to keep track of the leftovers in your refrigerator: Have a magnetic note pad on the refrigerator. As you add a leftover, write it on the pad with its "use by date". For example, today is October 15th and I'm storing leftover meatloaf in the refrigerator. On the note pad, I'll write: Meatloaf by 10/22. As I add more leftovers, I'll add them to the list. As leftovers get consumed, they get crossed off of the list.
Sometimes, when I've accumulated a variety of leftovers, I'll create a restaurant style menu and present it to the family. Each person gets to choose a menu item. See an example to the right.